What you need to know...when you need to know it.
Architects, Engineers, Contractors, Suppliers, Estimators, Manufacturers, Finance Specialists
Mid-Minnesota Builders Exchange is at your service. Whether you’re seeking construction data or want to get information out to the trade community, our exchange is your answer.
The Mid-Minnesota Builders Exchange Provides:
• Plans and specifications on various building projects at stored in the Builders Exchange Dropbox. You can request access to these plans by emailing chamber@willmarareachamber.com.
• A weekly email will be sent to each member notifying them of the plans which are available at the exchange. The bulletin includes the location of the project and its bid date along with other information that may be of interest to our members.
• Our Builders Exchange rates are based on yearly dues and can be calculated two
different ways:
• If you are a Willmar Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce Member, Builders Exchange is included in you membership.
• If you choose to be only a Builders Exchange Member, the dues are $335.00 per year.
• If you are interested in becoming a member and have some questions, please email chamber@willmarareachamber.com.